Saturday, December 22, 2012

Whether or not Rwanda is backing the M23, Kabila has to recall the terms he has wrecked and call for new accession.

For decades now UN and other institutions have been trying to stop the armed conflict that wag the eastern part of Congo albeit  the Conflict take new face every time.

The current Conflict closely associated with the March 2009 accord, out of which the rebels accuse Kabila’s government to break it. The rebels baptized themselves “M23” adopted from the March 23rd 2009 agreement between Kinshasa government and the CNDP combatants.

 However the International institutions, UN and other peacemakers instead of focusing on the core problem they stuck on blaming Rwanda and Uganda as if these two nations are the core keys for DRC problems. 

They have forgotten the evolution of M23. The M23 rebels formally belonged to the National pour la Défense du People as well known as National congress for defense of the people (CNDP) formally founded by Gen. Laurent Nkunda.

            The CNDP which was growing too strong threatened to overthrow Kabila’s government Therefore The president entered into a deal with Kagame (President of Rwanda) under conditions that Rwanda should help to capture Nkunda then Kabila will integrate CNDP into government that will cooperate with Rwanda to suppress the Democratic Forces For Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) which is accused for engineering the 1994 Rwanda genocide.

Rwanda as agreed lured Nkunda into a trap then they arrested him and the business of CNDP was over. Kabila and the CNDP signed the March 23 accord that required rebel’s integration into the government high post and in the army. The CNDP was therefore handled the senior command positions in Amani Leo operation to suppress the FDLR and secure stability in the eastern Congo. Kabila himself Promoted Ntaganda to a General and assign him a duty of operation deputy commander.

The Kabila, Kagame and CNDP deal survived for about two years and of course during this time Congo enjoyed peace and everybody believed the March 23 agreement to be a promising reconciliation for Congo lasting crisis.

            However thing Turned upside down in the end 2011 following the western countries pressure to president Kabila to hand Gen. Bosco Ntaganda to ICC. Ntaganda a Tutsi who Left Rwanda and joined the military in Congo is accused by the ICC for abducting children and violating of human rights.

To escape ICC and western Countries threats, Kabila decided to call up an army reform that ended up detached Ntaganda and other ex-CNDP men from the army and the government as well. To some extent this sources the current problem.

The root of the problems emanate from the bilateral deal between Kinshasa, Kigali and the ex-CNDP Combatants under the leadership of Bosco Ntaganda.  The isolation of Gen. Ntaganda directly wrecks the deal Between the Three partisan of the March 23 accord.

Kabila's decision to end the operation against FDLR (Amani Leo) and to detach Ntaganda from the army is an attempt that dishonors the agreement.  First it breaks the agreement between Kabila and Kagame. The agreement that Kagame will help to Capture Gen Laurent Nkunda in exchange to Congolese and Rwanda Troops allying to deal with FDLR.

Then the Isolation of Gen Ntaganda whom Kabila promised to cooperate and the government attempts to deploy the ex-CNDP soldiers out of Kivu is against the agreement of the 2009. To defend their interests the ex-CNDP soldiers withdrew from the Congolese army and reformed the M23 to force Kabila to concede to their demands. 

It also from this Grounds the UN group of experts is alleging Rwanda for backing the rebels. Yes it might be true that Rwanda is helping the rebels. But have we ever asked why Rwanda is baking them?

The M23 wants to secure their interest while on the other hand Rwanda has its interest over security issues that would help to suppress threat from the FDLR. Kabila Has ruined the agreement that connected Kinshasa Kigali and the CNDP therefore any attempt that jeopardize the interests of M23 will also affect the security interests of Rwanda.

 In these grounds Kagame considered the enemy of his enemy a “friend” and even if it was Kabila on the same side that Rwanda is right now he would do the same. Congo is trying to protect its interests in the expense of Rwanda and CNDP that’s why the Congo crisis won’t  get lasting solutions because Kabila doesn’t understand that the fate of this crisis lies on his hands and the best way is to come into concession and not to blame Rwanda

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