Tuesday, September 13, 2011


50 years anniversary. How far have we gone?

A university student in Tanzania

Lots of gratitude and glory be to our almighty God for his love and compassion that we are in a good health, and because God is the bestower is providing us our daily sustenance and life goes on.. days came  days goes.. Sun rise then the sun sets, it become dark then it goes dawn, and the sun rise again. Season of the year comes and then they go but it doesn’t take too long then they come again. They come they go, they Go then they come again, that’s how life is, A circulation of days and years… The days and the years doesn’t change naturally but we human beings and the Environment change as days and years circulate. I believe that life is the race of human beings against this natural circulation of days and nights..
Former Fanzanian leaders
                It’s been 50 years since we celebrate our Independence in 1961 9th of December. Therefore we have gone about fifty rounds in this race. For me the number of rounds we have rounded is not that much necessary the most important Question in minds Must Be How Far we have gone? Where are we in respect to the destinations we have set when we started this race in fifty years ago?
It’s now the appropriate time to sit down and make a critique (analysis) on what we managed to accomplish and what we fail to achieve? As well we should find out why we fail.  Personally I recognize and comprehend the step we advanced compared to the early time of seventies.
                Now at least we have standard education system we have more than thirty universities in the country compared to only one we had in 1961. On the side of infrastructures and communication, health, financial sector and business sector I personally acknowledge the work which has been done. in the sector of agriculture, mining and industrial sector though  infirm but at least we have seen the way forward.  Of course there are plenty things to applaud.
university of Dodoma
                But let me put an attention there! Tanzanians are not supposed to be intoxicated with that little success we have accomplished because they are very little compared to what were our targets when we get independence. In the manner of national hood our target was to become socially and economically strong and equally to those strong countries out there popularly known as the first world countries. Then we should ask ourselves today are we equal to those out there? Can our industries and our products survive in the competition in the common world market?
Once Julius Kambarage Nyerere the late father of the nation said ” if we want true equality with other countries we should first know what it means, it means that our teachers,  our doctors, our engineers etc. must be as equal as those found elsewhere anything more is sentiment”
                Now we are on the way to the EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY while our students and Professionals are less competent to those from other countries. And to make the matter worst they are going to compete in the same common market with Kenyans who are best to the maximum, what do we expect? Definitely is to go back to colonialism but this time we will be under our fellow Africans.
                The most important thing we should do now is to accept that the World is not as we would wish it to be therefore we should first recognize challenges then we face them and thereafter calmness with concentration we should use the opportunities we have now and those we will coming across with, to expand our economy.
                There is no need going out there doing strikes and find a person to give blames what we need to do now is to reform our polices so that they can suit actual circumstance that can expand opportunities for economic development and move our economy forward. And those polices can never be effective unless the information on which they are based is timely, accurate and complete.
Youth has become more active in politics.
                As a poor country we can’t manage to deal with everything; water, electricity, education, mineral, infrastructure, health and so on, that’s too much. We need to set priorities and deal with one thing after another according to their priorities. President Regan former president of USA when addressing people about economic recovery said “The dilemma and hard choices will not go away no matter who is president, they are not partisan problems anyone who claims to have simple answers is talking nonsense” President Regan believed that to overcome their economic problems USA and her people must collectively work together to find solution without caring political or any other differences.
                Also to our Problems there would be the dissidents, we should not be frightened and terminate our plans only because of their threats. It’s now the time to take hard choices for the benefit of our country. Let’s put away our social and political differences and think about the national advantages.


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